Helen Thomas
Curious by nature, Helen started H.I. Thomas Group in 1994 after heading up the qualitative research department of a major branding agency. The qualitative research path has led her to many adventures, awards and speaking engagements. She is best known for her empathic communication skills to quickly put respondents at ease and get them to open up to her on a personal level.
- Winner of Industrial Design Excellence Award (IDEA) “Gold Award” in the Research Category, 2003.
- Personally trained in the Laddering technique by Dr. Jonathan Gutman.
- Conducted tens of thousands of focus groups, IDIs (In-Depth Interviews), IHUTs (In Home Use Test) and shopper immersions.
- Helen took “in context” to an extreme while conducting employee focus groups with “roughnecks” inside the Arctic Circle (and lived to tell about it).